Fortis Wealth Management Weekly Insights - 12/26/15

After taking a break last weekend from writing this post due to the holidays we are back with some of the top articles and videos we are reading and watching this week that we wanted to pass along to our readers:

  1. Palm Beach Research Group: A Christmas Gift: Mark's Ultimate Productivity Guide for the New Year
  2. Palm Beach Research Group: Claim up to 125 Hours of Your Time Back in 2016
  3. Smart on Money: Do You Know What Really Affects Your Credit Score?
  4. Cash Flow Diaries: Is Passive Income the Secret to Happiness?
  5. Energy of Debt: 7 Bad Financial Habits to Avoid
  6. Farnam Street: An Introduction to Mental Models
  7. Farnam Street: Changing How We Think

Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and here's to a prosperous 2016!



Roth IRAs vs. Traditional IRAs - Which One is Right for Me?


2015_12_16 Fortis Musings