Fortis Wealth Management Weekly Insights - 11/28/15

Given it was a short holiday week, we didn't have too many posts on the blog this week. We did, however, want to pass along some highlights of articles we are reading this week that we think would be of value to our clients and readers:

  1. Lifewise: Why You Can Forget the Budget This Thanksgiving
  2. Doable Finance: Five Mistakes That Can Put You in Debt Fast
  3. Cash the Checks: 10 Reasons to Keep Working After Retirement
  4. Cheatsheet: 7 Ways to Trick Yourself into Saving More
  5. Morningstar: Ways to Pay for College When Your 529 Plan Isn't Enough
  6. Dividends Build Wealth: What Good is Wealth Without Health
  7. Invest it Wisely: How to Save Money When Selling Your Property

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have much to be grateful for.


Budget Hack: How Do I Reduce My Cell Phone Bill?


When Should I Retire? (Part 2)